» Юмор » Чистый nonsense (сборник)

Чистый nonsense (сборник) - Эдвард Лир (1992, 2001)

Чистый nonsense (сборник)
  • Год:
    1992, 2001
  • Название:
    Чистый nonsense (сборник)
  • Автор:
  • Жанр:
  • Язык:
  • Издательство:
    Борис Архипцев
  • Страниц:
  • ISBN:
  • Рейтинг:
    4 (1 голос)
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Настоящее издание – появление поразительное, в том числе и уникальное, во множестве своих качеств. Абсолютное коллекция сочинений. Создатель – Эдвард Лир (1812–1888), известный британский поэт и дизайнер XIX века. Основатель поэзии нонсенса. Основатель литературного лимерика. Толмач – Борис Архипцев, осуществивший геройский поступок, отдав работе над книжкой, без мелкого, четверть века. Важная доля слов переведена на русский язык в первый раз. Всё, переведённое по новой, выводит российские интерпретации Э. Лира на свежий, до этого недосягаемый степень. Переводы Архипцева (ему же принадлежат и все иные российские материалы в книжке – вступление, комменты и т. д.) различает исключительный сплав точности, справедливости создателю, его плану и воле, с удивительной свободой изложения, лёгкостью и изяществом слога. Книжка двуязычна: переводы сопровождаются авторскими словами на языке оригинала и личными картинками Эдварда Лира.

Чистый nonsense (сборник) - Эдвард Лир читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги

During the daytime, Violet chiefly occupied herself in putting salt-water into the churn, while her three brothers churned it violently, in the hope that it would turn into butter, which it seldom, if ever did; and in the evening they all retired into the Tea-kettle, where they all managed to sleep very comfortably, while Pussy and the Quangle-Wangle managed the boat.

After a time they saw some land at a distance; and when they came to it, they found it was an island made of water quite surrounded by earth. Besides that, it was bordered by evanescent isthmusses with a great Gulf-stream running about all over it, so that it was perfectly beautiful, and contained only a single tree, 503 feet high.

When they had landed, they walked about, but found to their great surprise, that the island was quite full of veal-cutlets and chocolate-drops, and nothing else.

So they all climbed up the single high tree to discover, if possible, if there were any people; but having remained on the top of the tree for a week, and not seeing anybody, they naturally concluded that there were no inhabitants, and accordingly when they came down, they loaded the boat with two thousand veal-cutlets and a million of chocolate drops, and these afforded them sustenance for more than a month, during which time they pursued their voyage with the utmost delight and apathy.

After this they came to a shore where there were no less than sixty-five great red parrots with blue tails, sitting on a rail all of a row, and all fast asleep. And I am sorry to say that the Pussy-cat and the Quangle-Wangle crept softly and bit off the tail-feathers of all the sixty-five parrots, for which Violet reproved them both severely.

Notwithstanding which, she proceeded to insert all the feathers, two hundred and sixty in number, in her bonnet, thereby causing it to have a lovely and glittering appearance, highly prepossessing and efficacious.

The next thing that happened to them was in a narrow part of the sea, which was so entirely full of fishes that the boat could go no further; so they remained there about six weeks, till they had eaten nearly all the fishes, which were Soles, and all ready-cooked and covered with shrimp sauce, so that there was no trouble whatever. And as the few fishes that remained uneaten complained of the cold, as well as of the difficulty they had in getting any sleep on account of the extreme noise made by the Arctic Bears and the Tropical Turnspits which frequented the neighbourhood in great numbers, Violet most amiably knitted a small woollen frock for several of the fishes, and Slingsby administered some opium drops to them, through which kindness they became quite warm and slept soundly.

Then they came to a country which was wholly covered with immense Orange-trees of a vast size, and quite full of fruit. So they all landed, taking with them the Tea-kettle, intending to gather some of the Oranges and place them in it. But while they were busy about this, a most dreadfully high wind rose, and blew out most of the Parrot-tail feathers from Violet’s bonnet. That, however, was nothing compared with the calamity of the Oranges falling down on their heads by millions and millions, which thumped and bumped and bumped and thumped them all so seriously that they were obliged to run as hard as they could for their lives, besides that the sound of the Oranges rattling on the Tea-kettle was of the most fearful and amazing nature.

Nevertheless they got safely to the boat, although considerably vexed and hurt; and the Quangle-Wangle’s right foot was so knocked about, that he had to sit with his head in his slipper for at least a week.

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