Основы нейропсихологии - Лурия Александр Романович
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Основы нейропсихологии - Лурия Александр Романович читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги
Magoun H. W. The ascending reticulat formation and wakefulness // Brain mechanisms and consciousness. — Oxford, 1954.
Magoun H. W. The waking brain, 2nd ed. — Springfiels, 1963.
Magoun H. W., Lindsley D. F, Schreiner L. et al. Behavioral and EEG changes following chronic brain stem lesions // EEG & clin. neurophysiol. — 1950. — V. 2.
Malmo R. B. Interferent factors in delayed response in monkey after removal of the frontal lobes // J. ot neurophysiol. — 1942. — V. 5.
Me. Connell J. V., Jacobson A.L. & Kimble D.P. The effect of regeneration on retention of a conditioned response in the planarian // J. compar. physiol., psychol. - 1961. - V. 52. - P. 1-5.
Me Connell J. V. Memory transfer through cannibalism in planarians // J. of. neuropsychiatry, supplement. — 1962. — № 3.
Me Connell J. V. et al. Attempts to transfer approach and avoidance responses by RNA injections in rats // K. H. Pribram & D. E. Broadbent (eds.). Biology of memory. - N.Y., 1970. - P. 129-159.
Me Culloch W. S. Inter-areal interactions of the cerebral cortex // P. Bucy (ed.). The precentral motor cortex. — Illinois, 1943.
Me Culloch W.S. The functional organization of cerebral cortex // Physiol. review. — 1944. — № 3.
Me Culloch W. S. Some connections of the frontal lobe established by physiological neuronography// Res. publ. assoc, nerv. a. ment. dis. — 1942. — № 27.
Me Fie J., Piercy M. & Zangwill O. Visual spatial agnosia associated with lesions of the right hemisphere // Brain. — 1950. — V. 73. — P. 167—190.
Me Fie J. & Zangwill O. Visual-constructive disabilities associated with lesions of the left cerebral hemisphere // Brain. — I960. — № 83. — P. 243—260.
Me Geoch J.A. Forgetting and the law of disuse // Psychol. review. — 1932. — № 39. - P. 352-370.
Me Geoch J.A. The psychology of human learning. — Longmans Green, 1942.
Melton A. W. Implication of short term memory for a general theory of memory // J. of. verbal learning etc. — 1963. — № 2. — P. 1—21.
Melton A. W. Short term and long term postperceptual memory // K. Pribram & D. Broadbent (eds.). Biology of memory. — N.Y., 1970.
Melton A. W. & Irvin I. M. The influence of degree of interpolated learning on retroactive inhibition // Amer. J. psychol. — 1940. — № 53. — P. 175—203.
Melton A. W. & von Lackum W. L. E. Retroactive and proactive inhibition etc. //Amer. J. psychol. - 1941. - № 54. — P. 157-173.
Miller G. The magic number seven etc. // Psychol. review. — 1956. — № 63. — P. 81-97.
Miller G. The organization of lexical memory: Are associations sufficient? // G. Tallnd & N. Waugh (eds.). The pathology of memory. - N. Y., 1969. — P. 216— 236.
Miller G., Pribram K., Galanter E. Plans and the organization of behavior. — N.Y., 1956.
Miller N. E. Experiments relevant to learning theory and perception // Evening lecture for the XVIII International congress of psychology. — Moscow, 1966 (cf. also: Proreedings of the Congress. — Moscow, 1969. — P. 146—168).
Milner B. The intellectual functions of the temporal lobe // Psychol. bull. — 1954. -№51.
Milner B. Psychological defects produced by temporal lobe excision // Res. Publ. assoc. nerv. a ment. dis. — 1958. — № 36. — P. 244—257.
Milner B. Les troubles de lamemoire accompagnant des lesions hippocampiques bilaterales // Physiol.de l'hippocamp.— Paris, 1962.
Milner B. Amnesia following operation on the temporal lobes // С W. M. Witty & 0. L. Zangwill (eds.). Ammesia. — London, 1966.