Ваша жизнь в ваших руках. Как понять, победить и предотвратить рак груди и яичников - Джейн Плант (2012)
Название:Ваша жизнь в ваших руках. Как понять, победить и предотвратить рак груди и яичников
Перевел:Анна Давыдова
Издательство:РИПОЛ Классик
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Ваша жизнь в ваших руках. Как понять, победить и предотвратить рак груди и яичников - Джейн Плант читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги
16. Dobson, R., 2006. Breast cancer incidence rises in contaminated areas 10 years after explosion at Chernobyl reactor. BMJ, 332, 567.
17. Jakes, R.W and others, 2002. Mammographie parenchymal patterns and self-reported soy intake in Singapore Chinese women. Cancer Epidemiological Biomarkers Prev, 11, 608–613.
18. www.cancer.org;
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19. Dobson, R., 2006. Diethylstilbestrol increase risk of breast cancer death. BMJ, 333, 64.
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21. www.dep.iarc.fr/globocan/database.pdf
22. WHO International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), IARC Cancer Epidemiology Database. GLOBOCAN 2000. Cancer incidence, mortality and prevalence worldwide. Ferlay, J., Bray, F., Piesci, P. and Parkin, D.M. (editors), www.dep.iarc. fr/globocan/ database.pdf
23. Campbell, T.C., and Junshi, C., 1994. Diet and chronic degenerative disease perspectives from China. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 59, Suppl., 11 535-11 615.
24. Jakes, Rupert W, Duffy, Stephen Ж., Ng, Fook-Cheong, Gao, Fei, Ng, Eng-Hen, Seow, Adeline, Lee, Hin-Peng and Yu, Mimi C., 2002. Mammographic Parenchymal Patterns and Self-re-ported Soy Intake in Singapore Chinese Women. Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention, 11, 608–613.
25. Statistical Abstracts of the US, 1994 edition.
26. T. Colin Campbell, quoted in www.milksucks.com/osteo.html; Robbins, John, 1987, A Diet for a New America. Stillpoint Publishing; McDougall, John, 2000. The McDougall Program for Women; Plant, Jane and Tidey, Gill, 2003. Understanding, Preventing and Overcoming Osteoporosis. Virgin Books.
27. IARC Cancer Epidemiology Database. GLOBOCAN 2000, Cancer incidence, mortality and prevalence worldwide. Ferlay, J., Bray, F., Piesci, P., and Parkin, D.M. (editors), www.dep.iarc.fr/globocan/ database.pdf
28. Frassetto, L.A., Todd, K.M., Morris, R.C., Jr and Sebastian, A., 2000. Worldwide incidence of hip fracture in elderly women: relation to consumption of animal and vegetable food s. Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences, 55 A. 10, M585-M592.
Дополнение к главе 4
1. Jakes, Rupert W, Duffy, Stephen W, Ng, Fook-Cheong, Gao, Fei, Ng, Eng-Hen, Scow, Adeline, Lee, Hin-Peng and Yu, Mimi C., 2002. Mammographic Parenchymal Patterns and Self-re-ported Soy Intake in Singapore Chinese Women. Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention, 11, 608–613.
2. Pringle, H., 1998. Neolithic agriculture: reading the signs of ancient animal domestication. Science. 282, 1448.
3. Thomas M and others, 2007, Proc Nat Acad Sei.
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5. Butler, J., 2006. White lies. Vegetarian and Vegan Foundation.
6. AbuGhazaleh, A.A. and others, 2004. CLA increases in milk when cows fed fish meal and extruded soybeans for an extended period of tim t. Journal of Dairy Science, 87 (6), 1758–1766.
7. Petit, H.V., 2002. Digestion, milk production, milk composition, and blood composition of dairy cows fed whole flax seed. Journal of Dairy Science, 85 (6), 1482–1490.
8. Wahle, K.W and others, 2004. CLAs: are they beneficial or detrimental to health? Progress in Lipid Research, 43 (6), 553–587.
9. Willett, WC, and Stampfer, M.J., 2007. Rebuilding the food pyramid. Scientific American, Special edition on diet and health, February 2007, 12–21.
10. The Royal Society, 2000. Endocrine-disrupting chemicals. Document 06/00. The Royal Society.
11. Butler, J., 2006. White lies. Vegetarian and Vegan Foundation.