Ваша жизнь в ваших руках. Как понять, победить и предотвратить рак груди и яичников - Джейн Плант (2012)
Название:Ваша жизнь в ваших руках. Как понять, победить и предотвратить рак груди и яичников
Перевел:Анна Давыдова
Издательство:РИПОЛ Классик
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Ваша жизнь в ваших руках. Как понять, победить и предотвратить рак груди и яичников - Джейн Плант читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги
18. Dao, T.L., Sinha, D.K., Nemato, T. and Patel, J., 1982. Effects of estrogens and progesterone on cellular replication of human breast tumours. Cancer Research, 42, 359–362.
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21. Miller, WR., 1991. Oestrogens and breast cancer: biological considerations, British Medical Bulletin, 47, 470–483.
22. Yu, H. and Rohan, Т., 2002. Role of the insulin-like growth factor family in cancer development and progression. J Natl Cancer Inst, 92, 1472–1489.
23. Rose, Steven, with Mileusnic, Radmila, 1999. The Chemistry of Life. Fourth (revised) edition. Penguin Books.
24. Voet, Donald and Voet, Judith, 1995. Biochemistry. Second edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
25. Jiang, Wen G., Matsumoto, Kunio and Nakamura, Toshikazu (editors), 2001, Growth Factors and their Receptors in Cancer Metastasis. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
26. Yu, H. and Rohan, Т., 2002. Role of the insulin-like growth factor family in cancer development and progression. J Natl Cancer Inst, 92, 1472–1489.
27. Yu, H. and Rohan, Т., 2002. Role of the insulin-like growth factor family in cancer development and progression. J Natl Cancer Inst, 92, 1472–1489.
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29. Yu, H. and Rohan, Т., 2002. Role of the insulin-like growth factor family in cancer development and progression. J Natl Cancer Inst, 92, 1472–1489.
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Дополнение к главе 3
1. www.dep.iarc.fr/globocan/database.pdf
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10. American Cancer Society. Modelled data: cancer facts and figures, 2006.
11. Worldwide Cancer Mortality Statistics, ASR(w) for Annual Mortality per 100 000 by sex and age group, iarc.fr/who/menu.htm
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13. Silliman, R.A. and Baeke, P., 1998. Breast cancer in the older woman. In: Balducci, L., Ersher, WB. and Lyman, G.H. Comprehensive geriatric oncology. Amsterdam: Harwood.
14. Welch, H.G., Albertson, P.O., Nease, R.E, Bubolz, T.A. and Wasson, J.H., 1996. Estimating treatment benefits for the elderly: the effect of competing risks. Ann Intern Med, 124, 577–584.
15. Campbell, T. Colin, Campbell, Thomas M. II, Robbins, John and Lyman Howard, 2006. The China Study: The Most Comprehensive Study of Nutrition Ever Conducted and the Startling Implications for Diet, Weight Loss and Long-term Health. Ben-bella Books.