Вся правда о неправде - Дэн Ариели (2012)
Название:Вся правда о неправде
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Melissa Bateson, Daniel Nettle, and Gilbert Roberts, “Cues of Being Watched Enhance Cooperation in a Real-World Setting”, Biology Letters (2006).
Francesca Gino, Shahar Ayal, and Dan Ariely, “Out of Sight, Ethically Fine? The Effects of Collaborative Work on Individuals’ Dishonesty”, научная работа (2009).
Janet Schwartz, Mary Frances Luce, and Dan Ariely, “Are Consumers Too Trusting? The Effects of Relationships with Expert Advisers”, Journal of Marketing Research (2011).
Рекомендуется для чтения:
Francesca Gino and Lamar Pierce, “Dishonesty in the Name of Equity”, Psychological Science (2009).
Uri Gneezy, “Deception: The Role of Consequences”, American Economic Review (2005).
Nina Mazar and Pankaj Aggarwal, “Greasing the Palm: Can Collectivism Promote Bribery?” Psychological Science (2011).
Scott S. Wiltermuth, “Cheating More When the Spoils Are Split”, Organi-zationalBehavior and Human Decision Processes (2011).
Глава 10. Полуоптимистическое окончание
Основано на:
Rachel Barkan, Dan Ariely, “Worse and Worst: Daily Dishonesty of Busi-nessmen and Politicians”, научная работа, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel (2008).
Yoel Inbar, David Pizarro, Thomas Gilovich, Dan Ariely, “Moral Maso-chism: Guilt Causes Physical Self-punishment”, научная работа (2009).
Azim Shariff, Ara Norenzayan, “Mean Gods Make Good People: Different Views of God Predict Cheating Behavior”, International Journal for the Psy-chology of Religion (2011).
Рекомендуется для чтения:
Keri L. Kettle, Gerald Haubl, “The Signature Effect: How Signing One’s Name Influences Consumption-Related Behavior by Priming Self-Identity”, Journal of Consumer Research (2011).
Deepak Malhotra, “(When) Are Religious People Nicer? Religious Salience and the ‘Sunday Effect’ on Pro-Social Behavior”, Judgment and Decision Making (2010).