Переворот - Георгий Филимонов, Никита Данюк, Максим Юраков (2016)
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Переворот - Георгий Филимонов, Никита Данюк, Максим Юраков читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги
80. Coghlan A., MacKenzie D. Revealed – The Capitalist Network That Runs The World. URL:
81. Concise Review of the Basics of Cultural Diplomacy. URL:
82. Concluding Remarks by Dominique Strauss-Kahn, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, at the High-Level Conference on the International Monetary System, Zurich, 11 May 2010. URL:
83. Crimée, Ukraine, Europe, euro: les peuples sont-ils maîtres de leur destin? URL:
84. Cummings M.C. Jr. Cultural Diplomacy and the United States Government: A Survey. – Washington DC: Center for Arts and Culture, 2003. URL: www.culturalpolicy.org
85. Digest of Educational Statistics 1977 // National Council of Educational Statistics. URL:
86. Eisenhower Fellowships. URL:
87. Faiola A. A Bigger, Bolder Role is Imagined for the IMF // The Washington Post, 20 April 2009. URL:
88. Finn Н. The Case for Cultural Diplomacy: Engaging Foreign Audiences / Foreign Affairs. URL:
89. Future of Federalism. URL:
90. Goldstone J. Understanding the Revolutions of 2011 / Weakness and Resilience in Middle Eastern Autocracies. URL:
91. Gollust D. US Imposes New Sanctions Against Syria Over Crackdown. URL:
92. Governance // Bilderberg Meetings. URL:
93. Henderson D. The Federal Reserve Cartel: The Eight Fa-milies. URL: aid=25080
94. Henry Kissinger: If You Can’t Hear the Drums of War You Must Be Deaf. URL:
95. Hromadske.tv: Головна сторінка. URL: Еспресо TV. URL:
96. Informal forum or global conspiracy? // CBC News Online. – 13.06.2006. URL:
97. Jacobs S. Gene Sharp, The 83 Year Old Who Toppled Egypt. URL:
98. Kissinger: U.S. Will Appear Weak if Gadhafi Remains. – URL:
99. Larmer В. Machiavelli of Nonviolence. URL:
100. Markoff J. Cyberwar. With New Software, Iranians And Others Outwit Net Censors // The New York Times. URL:
101. Marshall А. Bilderberg 2011: The Rockefeller World Order and the High Priests of Globalization // Global Research. – 16.06.2011. URL: va&aid=25302
102. Marshall А. Crisis is an Opportunity: Engineering a Global Depression to Create a Global Government // Global Research. – 26.10.2010. URL: php?context=va&aid=21632