Ваша жизнь в ваших руках. Как понять, победить и предотвратить рак груди и яичников - Джейн Плант (2012)
Название:Ваша жизнь в ваших руках. Как понять, победить и предотвратить рак груди и яичников
Перевел:Анна Давыдова
Издательство:РИПОЛ Классик
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Ваша жизнь в ваших руках. Как понять, победить и предотвратить рак груди и яичников - Джейн Плант читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги
110. Ernst, E (editor), 2001. The Desktop Guide to Complementary and Alternative Medicine: an evidence based approach. Mosby.
111. Lee, John R, 1999. Natural Progesterone. Second revised edition. Jon Carpenter.
112. Cowan, L.D., Gordis, L., Tonascia, J.A. and Jones, G.S., 1981. Breast cancer incidence in women with a history of progesterone deficiency. Am J Epidemiology, 114, 209–217.
113. Hrushesky, WJ.M., 1996. Breast cancer, timing of surgery, and the menstrual cycle: call for prospective trial. / Womens Health, 5, 555–566.
114. Mohr, P.E., Wang, D.Y., Gregory, WM., Richards, M.A. and Fentiman, I.S., 1996. Serum progesterone and prognosis in operable breast cancer. British J Cancer, 73, 1552–1555.
115. Butler, J., 2006. White lies. Vegetarian and Vegan Foundation.
116. Dibble, S.L. and others, 2002. Risk factors for ovarian cancer; lesbian and heterosexual women. Oncol Nursing Forum, 29 (1)? El-7.
117. Ives, A. and Semmens, J., 2007. Pregnancy after breast cancer: population based study. BMJ, 334, 194.
118. www.cancer.org/docroot/cri/content/cri_2_4_5x_what_hap-pens_after_treatment_5.asp?sitearea=cr
120. cancer.org/docroot/cri/content/cri_2_6x_can_ having_an_abortion_cause_or_contribute_to_breast_cancer.asp
121. www.cspinet.org/new/200206251.html
Дополнение к главе 7
1. Campbell, Т., Colin, Campbell, Thomas М. II, Robbins, John and Lyman Howard, 2006. The China Study: The Most Comprehensive Study of Nutrition Ever Conducted and the Startling Implications for Diet, Weight Loss and Long-term Health, Ben-bella Books.
2. Kannel Ж.В. and others, 1961. Factors of risk in the development of coronary heart disease – six year follow up experience. Anna Internal medi., SS.
3. Campbell, T. Colin, Campbell, Thomas М. II, Robbins, John and Lyman Howard, 2006. The China Study: The Most Comprehensive Study of Nutrition Ever Conducted and the Startling Implications for Diet3 Weight Loss and Long-term Health, Benbella Books.
4. Campbell, T.C. and Junshi, C., 1994. Diet and chronic degenerative disease perspectives from China. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 59 (Suppl.), 11 535-11 615.
5. Marwick, Charles, 2003. Food industry obfuscates healthy eating message, BMJ, 327, 121.
6. Campbell, T. Colin, Campbell, Thomas M. II, Robbins, John and Lyman Howard, 2006, The China Study: The Most Comprehensive Study of Nutrition Ever Conducted and the Startling Implications for Diet3 Weight Loss and Long-term Health, Benbella Books.
7. Schlosser, Eric, 2002. Fast Food Nation. Penguin Books.
8. Martin, Peter, 2002. Milk: Nectar or Poison? Sunday Times Magazine, 21 July 2002, 46–54.
9. Mercer, Chris, 2007. EU unveils milk shake-up plans, www. foodnavigator.com
11. Butler, J., 2006. White lies. Vegetarian and Vegan Foundation.
12. Anon, 2003. UK supports exclusive breast feeding for six months. BMJ, 326, 1052.
13. Laurens, Claire, 2003. Baby milk company fined for advertising direct to consumers. BMJ, 327, 307.
14. Butler, J., 2006. White lies. Vegetarian and Vegan Foundation.
15. Atkins, P.J., 2005. Fattening children or fattening farmers? School milk in Britain, 1921–1941. Economic H-58.
17. Kradjian, R.M., 1994. Save Yourself from Breast Cancer. Berkley Books, New York.
18. Martin, Peter, 2002. Milk: Nectar or Poison? Sunday Times Magazine. 21 July 2002, 46–54.
19. Outwater, J.L. and others, 1997. Dairy Products and Breast Cancer: the IGF-1, estrogen and bGH hypothesis. Mod Hypotheses. 48, 453–461.