Ваша жизнь в ваших руках. Как понять, победить и предотвратить рак груди и яичников - Джейн Плант (2012)
Название:Ваша жизнь в ваших руках. Как понять, победить и предотвратить рак груди и яичников
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Издательство:РИПОЛ Классик
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Ваша жизнь в ваших руках. Как понять, победить и предотвратить рак груди и яичников - Джейн Плант читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги
16. Campbell, T. Colin, Campbell, Thomas M. II, Robbins, John and Lyman Howard, 2006. The China Study: The Most Comprehensive Study of Nutrition Ever Conducted and the Startling Implications for Diet, Weight Loss and Long-term Health. Ben-bella Books.
17. Plant, Jane and Tidey, Gill, 2005. Eating for Better Health. Virgin Books. See also, Campbell, T, Colin, Campbell, Thomas M. II, Robbins, John and Lyman Howard, 2006. The China Study: The Most Comprehensive Study of Nutrition Ever Conducted and the Startling Implications for Diet, Weight Loss and Longterm Health. Benbella Books; Robbins, John, 1987. A Diet for a New America. Stillpoint Publishing.
18. Newby, J.A. and Howard, C.V, 2006. Environmental influences in cancer aetiology. Journal of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine, 2006, 1-59.
19. Campbell, T.C. and Junshi, C., 1994. Diet and chronic degenerative disease perspectives from China. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 59 (Suppl.), 11 535-31 615.
20. Food Chemical News, April 29, 1996.
21. Kurzer, M.S. and Xu, X., 1999. Dietary Phytoestrogens. Annual Reviews of Nutrition, 17, 353–381.
22. Adlercreutz, H„1995. Phyto-oestrogens: Epidemiology and a Possible Role in Cancer Protection. Environmental Health Perspectives,, 103 (Supppl 7), 103–112; Adlercreutz, H., Mazur, W, Bartels, P., Elomaa, У-V., Watanabe, S., Wahala, K., Landstrom, M., Lundin, E., Bergh, A., Damber, J.-E., Aman, P., Widmark, A., Johansson, A., Zhang, J.-X. and Hallmans, G., 2000. Phyto-oestrogens and Prostate Disease. J Nutr, 130, 658S-659S.
24. Adlercreutz, H., Mazur, W, Bartels, P., Elomaa, Y-V., Watanabe, S., Wahala, K., Landstrom, M., Lundin, E., Bergh, A., Damber, J.-E., Aman, P., Widmark, A., Johansson, A., Zhang, J.-X. and Hallmans, G., 2000. Phyto-oestrogens and Prostate Disease. J Nutr, 130, 658S-659S.
25. Zhou, J.-R., Gugger, E.T., Tanaka, Т., Guo, Y., Blackburn, G.L. and Clinton, S.K., 1999. Soy-bean phytochemicals inhibit the growth of transplantable human prostate carcinoma and tumor angiogenesis in mice. J Nutr, 129, 1628–1635; Davis, J.N., Singh, B., Bhuiyan, M. and Sarkar, EH., 1998, Genistein-in-duced upregulation of p21WAFl, downregulation of cyclin B, and induction of apoptosis in prostate cancer cells. Nutr Cancer, 32, 123–131; The Royal Society, 2000. Endocrine-disrupt-ing chemicals. Document 06/00. The Royal Society; Setchell, K.D.R., 1998. Phyto-oestrogens: the biochemistry, physiology and implications for human health of soy isoflavones, Nutrition, 68, 1333S-1346S.
26. Glenville, Marilyn, 2003. The New Natural Alternatives to HRT. Second edition. Kyle Cathie.
27. Campbell, T. Colin, Campbell, Thomas M. II, Robbins, John and Lyman Howard, 2006. The China Study: The Most Comprehensive Study of Nutrition Ever Conducted and the Startling Implications for Diet, Weight Loss and Long-term Health. Ben-bella Books.
28. Glenville, Marilen, 2003. The New Natural Alternatives to HRT. Second edition. Kyle Cathie.
29. Robbins, John, 1987. A Diet for a New America. Stillpoint Publishing; Kradjian, R.M., 1994. Save Yourself from Breast Cancer. New York: Berkley Books; McDougall, John, 2000. The McDougall Program for Women; Lee, John R., 1999. Natural Progesterone. Second revised edition. Jon Carpenter; Plant, Jane and Tidey; Gill, 2003. Understanding, preventing and overcoming osteoporosis. Virgin Books; Fox, Douglas, 2001. Hard cheese. New Scientist, 15 December 2001, 42–45.
31. Martin, Peter, 2002. Milk: Nectar or Poison? Sunday Times Magazine, July 21, 2002. 46–54.
32. Website of the American Cancer Society, a=&viewmode=print
33. Gottlieb, Scott, 2003. Men should eat nine servings of fruit and vegetables a day. BMJ, 326, 1003.